The once arid weather has completely gone away with several bountiful rains which forecaster the coming moist season. The climate in Ho Chi Minh city regularly changes at middle of every year, an abrupt switch between feverish days to chill weeks. Female dwellers can put on layering clothes and feel impatient to walk the streets in a cool glory afternoon.As usual, women’s illusions cannot help them out in real hassles, for example, a dramatic heavy rain. You can tell whether or not an urban girl has gone out in rain just by looking at those small particles of dust covered up her high heels.

Not everyone can own a car in their early ages so the scenario of young women in their official suits running out under numerous raindrops is typical and archetypal for rainy season in a particular crowded city. One special thing about rains in tropical countries is that it lasts for a very long time with incredible amount of water falling from the gloomy sky.

Riding bicycle in rainy season is a harsh experience when your face soaked with droplets, your ears filled with unexpected dissonant orchestra from water instruments hiding concrete surface. However, rainy season always has its own secret to charming human hearts, let’s stay calm and wait for a miracle of the surprising weather.

All the photos, graphics and contents on this page are our own creations unless stated otherwise
Ho Chi Minh city, Viet Nam

9 thoughts on “RAINY SEASON

  1. Mabel Kwong

    “dissonant orchestra from water instruments” I LOVE this phrase, Khan. You make the sound of rain sound bittersweet – bitter because it might disturb you from sleeping, or sweet because sometimes it can be calming to our ears. Take care during the wet season. Drive slow and stay safe. Here in Melbourne we don’t have torrential tropical rains…but strangely enough these days I’m missing them a lot. Have a good week ❤

    • vothikhanhhoa

      Dear Mabel, rainy season is really bitter sweet to me. Albeit the amiable temperature brought by the water vapour, the slippery streets are real challenges for us here. Thanks for your warm words, I can feel a little bit sunshine after the rain 🙂

  2. Tom Schultz

    You’ve got some very nicely drawn images here. The images alone would make this enjoyable reading. Of course, I also appreciate the knowledge of a tropical climate, living as I do in the American Midwest where the weather is anything but tropical.

    But, I’m guessing–maybe I’m right, maybe I’m wrong–that there’s more here. “As usual, women’s illusions cannot help them out in real hassles” reminded me right away of your last post about women as mermaids. It sounds to me like you’ve carried this symbol into today’s post. If so, you’ve also created a nice extended metaphor. If not, I still like what you’ve written.

    • vothikhanhhoa

      Dear Tom, I do have some idyllic imaginations about women in this world and they do not let me free from them for a minute. Therefore, I guess that my words somehow have covered these obsessions inside. You are welcome to share your thoughts with me so you do not need to hesitate about that 🙂

  3. Sketchpacker

    I ride a bicycle in Saigon, to and from work, and my goodness when it rains I feel like I am showering! I have to take a change of clothes and clean up at my workplace! Beautiful photos 🙂

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